Reliable information about menopause and mid-life women’s health from the world’s leading experts.
Welcome to Menopause Info – your leading source of information, advice and support around menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause. Created for women, their partners, families and friends, plus anyone interested in understanding midlife women’s health, this website is run by the International Menopause Society – the world’s leading authority on menopause for over 40 years. All the information you need about menopause and midlife women’s health, together in one place.

Expert Spotlight
Professor Nick Panay (UK)
International Menopause Society President 2022-2024
I am a Consultant Gynaecologist in the UK with a Special Interest in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Menopause, PMS, contraception and gynaecological endocrinology. As director of the West London Menopause & PMS Centre at Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals, I lead a busy clinical and research team which publishes widely, presents at scientific meetings and trains health professionals at all levels. I’m passionate about supporting women to remain healthy, well and active during the menopause transition and I have a particular interest in Premature Menopause, PMS, New HRT and Complementary Therapies.
World Menopause Day
18th October
World Menopause Day happens each year on 18 October. It was established by the International Menopause Society in 2009 to raise awareness of the menopause and improve the experience of women around the world. Despite many medical advances and a massive increase in public awareness in recent years, there’s still lots more to be done. Each year World Menopause Day shines the spotlight on the challenges facing women during the menopause transition and highlights improvements in research, education and support.

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We want this information to reach as many people as possible – women, their friends and families, healthcare professionals and more. Please share this information widely and together we can support more women to stay healthy, active and well in midlife.